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My Options Overview / Guide (V2)

Greeting Theta Gang boys and girls,
I hope you're well and not bankrupt after last week. I'm just now recovering mentally myself. I saw a few WSB converts and some newbies asking for tips, so here you go. V2 of my Options guide. I hope it helps.

I spent a huge amount of time learning about options and tried to distill my knowledge down into a helpful guide. This should especially be useful for newbies and growing options traders.
While I feel I’m a successful trader, I'm not a guru and my advice is not meant to be gospel, but this will hopefully be a good starting point, teach you a lot, and make you a better trader. I plan to keep typing up more info from my notebook, expanding this guide, and posting it every couple months.
Any feedback or additions are appreciated
Per requests, I added details of good and bad trades I made. Some painful lessons learned are now included. I also tried to organize this better as it got longer.
Here's what I tell options beginners:
I would strongly recommend buying a beginner's options book and read it cover to cover. That helped me a lot.
I like this beginner book:
Helpful websites:
Don't trade until you understand:
Basics / Mechanics
General Tips and Ideas:
Profit Retention / Loss Mitigation
Trade Planning & Position Management Tips
-Advanced Beginner-
Trading Mechanics, Taxes, Market Manipulation
-Intermediate / Advanced Strategies (work in progress)-
You’ll notice many of these strategies inverse one another.
Options Strategy Finder
This website is great for learning about new strategies, you’ll see many links to it below.
Short Strangle / Straddle
Iron Condor and Iron Butterflies
Long Condor (Debit Call Condor)
Short Condor (Credit Call Condor)
Reverse Iron Condor
Advanced Orders

I’m not a financial adviser, I'm actually an engineer. I’m not telling you to invest in a specific stock/option or even use a specific strategy. I’ve outlined and more extensively elaborated on what I personally like. You should test several strategies and find what works best for you.
I'm just a guy who trades (mainly options) part-time for financial gain and fun. I don't claim to be some investing savant.
submitted by CompulsionOSU to thetagang [link] [comments]

[Historic] GW Death & Taxes — Finally a viable archetype, thanks to KHM


Hello everyone, I'm here to present to you a deck I've been having a blast with these last few weeks. I've been testing and refining it since Kaldheim release, and I think I've finally got enough data that I can conclusively prove that the archetype has some legs now.
Well, kinda, because I have limited time on my hands so I hope you're not expecting an insanely big sample size. But I think you will see that everything is pretty logical, and even though I don't have much data on certain matchups, it should be clear that the deck can go up against pretty much everything you can throw at it.
So, first of all, let's talk about the history of D&T in Historic. It's always been a dream of mine for it to be viable, but it's always been tough. Sure I could maindeck a full playset of Thalia and Vrynn Wingmare, but then I go up against any deck that's even slightly aggressive and I'd have no chance. Sacrifice decks? You'd have an easier time convincing WotC that they should try to make less money.
And then we got Kaldheim. Oh man, did that set help the archetype. And I truly mean the D&T archetype as a whole, because the core of the deck is monowhite and you could basically slap it onto a bunch of different other colors and have a really decent, flexible shell. I just thought green brought the most to the table.
What about that Aggro and Sacrifice problem? Take a look at this. Gruul is one of my best matchups. Monored is pretty good too, and those 2 of those 3 losses were against goblins (who plays goblins in bo3? touché tho, that matchup is insanely hard). Rakdos Sacrifice, of which I'd have nightmares about? It's been going well so far.

Importable Decklist

Deck 3 Kazandu Mammoth (ZNR) 189 4 Luminarch Aspirant (ZNR) 24 3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (DKA) 24 4 Plains (ANA) 1 3 Scavenging Ooze (M21) 204 3 Militia Bugler (M19) 29 4 Collected Company (AKR) 186 4 Skyclave Apparition (ZNR) 39 4 Llanowar Elves (DAR) 168 4 Branchloft Pathway (ZNR) 258 4 Sunpetal Grove (XLN) 257 4 Temple Garden (GRN) 258 3 Hashep Oasis (AKR) 301 4 Selfless Savior (M21) 36 2 Forest (ANA) 9 4 Reidane, God of the Worthy (KHM) 21 3 Halvar, God of Battle (KHM) 15 Sideboard 1 Scavenging Ooze (M21) 204 2 Glorious Protector (KHM) 12 3 Knight of Autumn (GRN) 183 3 Yasharn, Implacable Earth (ZNR) 240 3 Sigrid, God-Favored (KHM) 29 3 Baffling End (RIX) 1 

Card Choices


  • 4x [[Selfless Savior]]
This good boy looks unassuming, but it's one of the most important parts of the list. Without it, I'm 100% sure the deck would be way weaker. Having a way to protect your key creatures is, well, key. A Thalia or Reidane living for another turn can mean the world against Control, and even against aggro you can do the "block and sac" thing, saving you a few life points and giving you a good block at the same time.
  • 4x [[Llanowar Elves]]
I mean, what can I say that hasn't been said about 1 mana accelerants. They're good. T3 Valkmira's and CoCo's are also good. Sometimes he dies on T1, and you can still curve out pretty well.
  • 4x [[Luminarch Aspirant]]
I've seen this card played in older formats, and I'm not surprised, it runs away with a game real quick. Most of our creatures only have 2 power, so having a way to buff them up is really important. I've won many a game because Gruul just can't handle a flier like Reidane that grows every turn.
  • 3x [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]]
Old faithful. You'd think that she'd be horrible against everything but control, but she's really not. Sure, I'll sideboard her out against Aggro most of the time, but decks like Arcanist really don't like seeing this card. Same goes for Monored, though to a lesser extent. Slap some equipment or Aspirant buffs and she can attack and block like a champ.
  • 3x [[Scavenging Ooze]]
Again, this is one of those cards that everyone knows is very good by now, but it truly is one the biggest reasons to splash green for. It's one of the only decent answers to Uro in the format, and against aggro it can get really big when creatures are trading left and right. Sometimes, games will be decided on how many copies of this card you can find, but don't worry, we have plenty of ways to do that. Speaking about ways to find creatures with power 2 or less...
  • 3x [[Militia Bugler]]
Bet you didn't think this card was gonna show up here. Or maybe you did, because to me it makes a lot of sense. It finds every creature in the deck besides Mammoth, and has some nice synergy with other cards which I will mention later. Yes, it is a bit slow, but Llanowar Elves does a great job at mitigating that: a T2 Bugler fetching Reidane for a T3 Valkmira is a backbreaking play pattern against aggro, or you can just play Reidane and a Selfless Savior and give your Control opponents a hard time.
  • 4x [[Reidane, God of the Worthy // Valkmira, Protector's Shield]]
Oh Reidane, my queen. This card is so, so good, but maybe not for the reasons you think. Sure, making your opponents Wrath's cost 6 mana and their Nissa's 7 is pretty nice, but I think it's biggest strength is flexibility. It's so easy to maindeck 4 copies of it because you will rarely play against a deck that isn't heavily taxed by one of sides.
I've been really impressed with Valkmira, it's a really tough card for Aggro to beat on game 1 if you can land it decently early and decks like Rakdos Sacrifice just straight up fall over and die if they can't remove it. Double blocking becomes a dream with this card on the table, and Embercleaves are a lot less scary.
It's actually hilarious against sacrifice decks in general: it completely turns off Mayhem Devil, Dreadhorde Butcher becomes a vanilla 0/1, it even taxes Priest of Forgotten Gods' ability. I played against a poor bastard running Blood Artist, and he had to pay 1 for every trigger.
Oh yeah, Reidane herself is pretty good too. T2 Thalia into T3 Reidane means your control opponent won't be doing much for a while, especially if you have a Selfless Savior around to counter their (heavily taxed) removal spells.
  • 4x [[Skyclave Apparition]]
Not much to say about this one. Sees play a lot of play in older formats, great CoCo hit, great card all around.
  • 3x [[Kazandu Mammoth]]
Maybe this a controversial pick, because I've had a lot of people ask me about it. "Why not Lovestruck Beast in it's place? Why not Archon of Emeria? A 3 mana 3/3 seems bad."
Well, none of those cards do the same things Mammoth does, at all. This is another unassuming card but I'm not sure the deck would function without it. The fact that it allows us to keep our creature count high for CoCo while at the same time not skimping on lands is HUGE. And honestly, having to play it as a tap land isn't even that bad in this deck. It might not be the most amazing topdeck ever, but would you rather have a forest? Exactly.
  • 3x [[Halvar, God of Battle // Sword of the Realms]]
Holy shit, not one but TWO Kaldheim Gods in a Historic deck? Amazing. This card has impressed me a lot, traded my Maul's for this guy and never looked back.
Look, Maul is a great card, but this deck just can't handle that equip cost. I'd be constantly having my creatures destroyed in response to the first equip, and then Maul would just be the shittiest pump spell ever because I almost can almost never play a creature and reequip it on the same turn, and most of the time you have a million other better things to do with 4 mana. Even Aggro decks like Gruul can Stomp your creature in response to the trigger, and if they do you just lost so much tempo you're probably never getting back from that.
Halvar is just so much better, so much more flexible. Drawing multiple Mauls is a nightmare, drawing multiple Halvar's is actually really nice. Ever dumped all your creatures on the board only for your opponent to wipe you? Sometimes you have to force them to have it, but if you topdeck a Maul, well you're fucked. Topdecking a Halvar in that situation? Not that bad.
I've had multiple matches against Control where they had to use their precious permanent removal on Sword of the Realms because they can't handle a card like Bugler or Reidane coming back over and over. And against aggro equipments aren't great in general, you'll usually be under too much pressure to attack and leave yourself open, and if you just sit there and wait they'll just build a big board and Embercleave you down anyway. Well, Sword of the Realms helps you apply pressure while not leaving yourself open. And if you don't want an equipment, well you can have a 4/4 that blocks Spellbreakers and Questing Beasts and stuff. Can Maul do that? No, no it can't.
  • 4x [[Collected Company]]
I think the big question here is: does maindeck Thalia make this card not worth running? No, I don't think so. With the amount of creatures we're running, even for 5 mana you'll get more than your manas worth most of the time. And Thalia doesn't tend to live that long anyway, she usually gets gunned down pretty fast and by then she's already done her job.


  • 3x [[Baffling End]]
Pretty decent removal against aggro. Arcanist decks really don't like having their stuff exiled!
  • 1x [[Scavenging Ooze]]
Gotta have the full playset in the 75 if you want to have a chance at beating those Uros.
  • 3x [[Sigrid, God-Favored]]
Another huge addition from Kaldheim! As you can see here, some people aren't even running Company on the maindeck anymore because most decks have a lot of misses, and it gets super awkward when you have to sideboard in some interaction. Sigrid is so important because she lets us have a lot more removal while keeping our creature count high so our CoCos are always on point.
Awesome against aggro decks, you can get some pretty nice blowouts with this gal, and she wears a Sword of the Realms really well. Put some Aspirant buffs on her, and she's even a great attacker and blocker.
  • 3x [[Knight of Autumn]]
Pretty self explanatory. Great reason to be in GW for, great CoCo hit, and a lot more flexible than something like Rec Sage.
  • 2x [[Glorious Protector]]
More Kaldheim good stuff. Pretty great against Control, she can save your whole board from a wipe or just be a flashy beater in a pinch. Foretell helps you fill out the curve sometimes when you might've had some spare mana because of Llanowar Elves or something, but playing this card for 4 mana is just fine.
  • 3x [[Yasharn, Implacable Earth]]
Maybe 3 copies is too much, because I haven't been facing that many sacrifice decks, but this is another great reason to be in GW. Decent stats, helps you hit your land drops, shuts down a whole archetype. Sure, they can just doomblade it or something, but hey there's the old faithful Selfless Savior to help you with that.

Sideboarding Guide

One thing to consider: I won't mention it everytime, but I think it's okay to sideboard out 1 Kazandu Mammoth when you're on the draw. Keep this in mind against pretty much every matchup, and adjust accordingly. Or don't, if you wanna be safe.
  • Sultai
- 3 Skyclave Apparition
+ 1 Scavenging Ooze
+ 2 Glorious Protector
  • Gruul
- 3 Thalia
- 3 Militia Bugler
- 3 Halvar
- 1 Reidane
+ 3 Baffling End
+ 3 Sigrid
+ 3 Knight of Autumn
+ 1 Scavenging Ooze
  • Rakdos Sacrifice
Same as Gruul, but I just put in Yasharn instead of Knight of Autumn. Scooze is a better answer to their cats anyway, but if you want to include it you can, especially on the draw when a slot frees up due to Mammoth.
  • Arcanist
- 3 Militia Bugler
- 3 Halvar
- 1 Reidane
+ 3 Baffling End
+ 3 Sigrid
+ 1 Scavenging Ooze


Honestly the Aggro matchups are pretty straight forward, but the Control ones are not. I'm not exactly the best at piloting these kinds of decks, but even then most the games I lost against control were very close, or I just misplayed. There's a lot of stuff to consider at all times, so I think this deck is actually not the easiest to play. I'm sure my winrates will get a lot better over time.
I hope you liked it, and like I said before don't be afraid to take the monowhite shell and try out different stuff with it, I really think it is very flexible and full of potential!
submitted by ulfserkr to spikes [link] [comments]

We Forgot About Trey

Trey Lance has been placed on the back burner of QB prospects. COVID ruined the 2020 NDSU season, preventing it from going more than one game. In that game Trey Lance was labeled as inaccurate, one read, and too raw to be a top pick in the NFL. Shit man, it was a bad game. No need to lie. But we completely removed his amazing 2019 from our minds and decided one game from our most recent memory would dictate any future conversation around him. We took 30 passing attempts after a non-existent offseason training program and decided “Welp, Lance is decidedly behind Fields and Wilson.” I resent that notion. After perusing some of his highlights I became intrigued by this mystery man. Small school, big arm, crazy athleticism, a bit raw, a bit of an accuracy issue. Reminds me of someone who recently had 50 total touchdowns and led a perennial loser to the AFC Championship game. Of course, that’s a weak and simplistic comparison that doesn’t really paint a picture as to what Lance can do and his status as an NFL prospect. I do think it shows that drafting for tools can be beneficial if you believe in your staff and GM. That’s something Lance has in spades. You want to talk about arm talent, mobility/athleticism, throwing power, and pocket presence and Lance needs to be mentioned as having top of the class ability in all these areas. I have combed through the tape and saw who I think we should take and 2nd overall (if we stay there). Obviously I'm a layman, this is for discussion. But I will be annoying over the next few months as I pound the table for Lance and I will be referencing this post pretty often. If you dont like Lance, let's talk, I'm not a stuck up asshole. I'll hear you out. Now, let's watch some videos.
I am high on Lance. Though it would be dishonest if we didn’t discuss the issues he has in his game. Despite the red flags, they weren’t something I saw as impossible to fix. His accuracy problems stem from a reliance on his arm, wonky mechanics, and sometimes trying to operate too quickly. Things that can be hidden by scheme or completely fixed with practice. He also had a tendency to throw from an off-angle or not be set when he makes a throw. Inexperience may have a lot to do with it. I only have a couple clips here to display what I’m talking about but this is really the crux of his issues and simply showing plays that look exactly the same for the same reason seems like a waste of time. I’m not saying these are his only bad plays. Absolutely not. But if you look at a Trey Lance lowlight reel, they’ll all look like this. I would bet on that.
Let's start with a missed a deep pass here vs UCA. The pressure is in his face but the guy is wide open. Hitting this would have been a TD. If we really want to be nitpicky, the WR could have adjusted to the ball in the air a bit better but Lance still needs to be more accurate. The ball can sail on him. It’s a problem every single strong arm QB has at times. One Lance has more often than I would like. Now, UCA was probably his worst game. All of these clips are from UCA and Montana State. Those were the games where I could find clear examples of his faults. This one is a simple screen that he misses because he rushes and doesn’t set his feet. Here is another example of him failing to hit a WR because he isn’t set despite being able to. The WR should have caught it but it also should have been a better throw. I think he rushed this and immediately decided to take the tough throw instead of running with the ball or looking elsewhere. I blame throws like this on the limited practice time and training camp. He hit these throws in 2019. A little too much is better than not enough, but still a wide open guy who should have a TD. Too much oomf. Goes back to the original issue I mentioned above. I’m including this highlight because someone would inevitably bring up his first INT in 300+ pass attempts and only one of his college career. I feel like a INT% of 0.3% is pretty damn good but what do I know. Anyway, it is an example of poor decision making but it’s not one you often see in his film. Let me reiterate this. Trey Lance does not make poor decisions. His arm also gets him into trouble sometimes. He relies on it too much here. Almost throws it like a pitcher. It’s caught but it’s not placed well. His deep ball issues are best illustrated here and here. He just misses a 60+ yard bomb in the first clip. A hair less and it's a spectacular TD. I mean just missed him. Then there’s the second one. Just a poor throw with too much oomf and not down the sideline enough. The WR had a step and a play could have been made but Lance made a bad throw. However, he followed these up with a perfect toss that is shown in the deep bombs section. I actually like this miss because I see this being a play that works. He’s just off. He’s not missing these guys by a country mile. They’re a little behind or just a bit to the wrong side. That’s why I think it’s simply him using too much arm and a coach working with him on using his lower body and hips will make him dangerous. This is where he displays poor accuracy, unfortunately, and why he has the reputation. These are still issues and they need to be fixed. Take a look at our final play in this section. He hurries, uses his arm exclusively, throws off balance, and delivers a poor ball into the ground. These are his accuracy problems. This is THE red flag about Lance. What I see is someone who needs some ironing out and coaching. I think LaFleur’s offense will be perfect for Lance to use his strengths and hide his weaknesses. The only other issue I often see is that he doesn’t have the volume. That’s fair as well. He quite literally has 318 passing attempts. That being said, he would likely have been closer to 600 if NDSU wasn’t forced to cancel the season and I disagree with the notion we should be holding the volume against him. Was Wilson considered a potential top QB before his 336 attempts this season? Not an apples to apples comparison, no. I’m just saying that using something outside the control of the player to evaluate them as a prospect is weak. It should be considered; like the supporting cast of Mac Jones, the opponents of Zach WIlson, or the significant coaching/player difference between the programs at Clemson and OSU compared to other prospects. What we should be focusing on is what they can control and Lance’s biggest issue is his accuracy, tendency to throw off balance when he doesn't have to, and mechanics. Now… lets have some fun.
The most obvious of Lance’s strengths is his incredible athletic ability. On designed runs like this one and this one vs UCA he displays excellent vision, balance, and strength. No one will bring him down with just an arm. He’s slippery. Watch how he breaks 4 tackles on his way to a long rushing TD. I understand he’s not going against Alabama or Clemson or whoever but he’s breaking these tackles like nothing. His 6’4” 230 pound frame allows him to shrug off most hits. He’s speedy enough to escape the CB and strong enough to break a DT tackle attempt. Another example right here vs Butler. Hits the hole, breaks a tackle and zooms away. The speed he has is amazing too. On this play vs UND he’s outside before anyone notices, makes a hesitation move, has the pack catch up, and then puts on the jets for an extra 15+ yards. Here vs JMU he is able to break outside against a corner and outrun him for 10 yards despite the defender having the angle. Lance is also excellent at using his quickness to avoid pressure and he makes good decisions to run. He isn’t breaking down vs the pressure and running scared. He runs when it’s smart to run. On this play vs JMU he has eyes in the back of his head, senses the pressure and avoids the sack. He doesn’t just give up on the play. He still looks downfield before realizing it’s time to get the hell out. His speed allows him to get 10 yards on the play. From 2020 vs UCA doing the same thing. This is a great display of everything I’m talking about. Avoids the defender, breaks tackles, picks up speed and will not be denied. Finally, my favorite running play he had. This is a 3rd & 23. Why is it in here? Because Lance makes it a 45 yard TD run. He is capable of a big play at any time. Legs or arm. Which is exactly why you’re here. You wanna see some BOMBS!!!! Well, we’ll get there. Calm the fuck down spaz.
Anyone who says Lance is a one read QB or can’t read the field is naive. Please note that word choice. There are moments where he gets “lost” or sticks on one read too long but I don’t think these matter all that much. It's something every single QB prospect will do at times. He doesn’t make poor decisions and can get out of the jam with his legs (see above). Let’s start here vs Butler. He looks at his first read, covered. Second read, covered. Third read, close enough. Fits the ball into a tight window for the TD. Here vs WIU he quickly comes off his first read because the safety up top was bearing down, throws a rope to his second option in stride for a long TD. You could hang laundry on that toss. Against UD he displays an ability to make a quick decision as he doesn’t wait for this primary read to come open, he moves on to the next one and makes a decision. More? Sure! This play vs WIU he doesn’t force something that’s not there. He sees the defense dropping back to cover the deep pass so he hits his safety blanket and takes the positive play. There’s a reason he only had 1 INT in his college career. Same game, just a bit later here. He scans the field and again sees that the entire defense appears to drop back while keeping a spy from the DL on Lance. He corks a nice toss on the run as soon as the man comes open. Speaking of a throw on the run, this play was excellent in slow motion, watch it at .25 or .5 speed. He escapes the pocket, keeps his eyes up, and then goes through the progressions to find the open man. Beautiful. Not enough? OK! This play vs ISU is another display of Lance’s quick decision making and ability to find the open man. This displays what I really love about him. No hesitation. Quick decisions. Gets the ball out and fast. He keeps his eyes downfield so damn well. Even when he evades pressure, he is looking upfield and trying to find an open WR. Another good example of this is on this play vs UND. He can freeze a defense with his legs and he has the presence of mind to make the right throw. This next one isn’t really in line with the rest of the section but I want to show how much strength he displays by breaking the tackle in the backfield, staying composed, and finding the open man for a TD.
He can also fit the ball into some tight windows. He has such an amazing arm that he can zip the ball past defenders and puts it exactly where he needs it to be. He isn’t doing this 100% of the time but he shows the ability. Here against UD he gets out of the pocket and makes a good read before putting the ball right on the receiver. Earlier in the game he makes this nice toss that should have been caught. Back shoulder and only in a spot where his guy can get it. On this throw vs JMU he does look stiff but it’s a nice display of the arm talent he has. He gets it just above the first defender and gets it to his guy in between the two others downfield. He hits this pass on the sideline with speed. It’s not a showcase of reading the field but he does put this ball on a rope to a perfect spot. The sideline creates a moment of opportunity that’s only a yard or two wide. Beautiful placement. For my final trick, I’ll leave this excellent toss with no additional comment. Italian style hand kiss for emphasis.
These last two bits will be pure fun. These are his known strengths. This is where I think he separates himself from Wilson and Fields. Trey lance has a cannon. Now, Justin Fields has a cannon too. Like this bad Larry. Zach Wilson also has a cannon. Like this motherfucker. But Lance… Lance is otherworldly. When we’re talking about arm talent, what exactly do we mean? When I think of an amazing arm, I think of a guy who can just sling it with speed and accuracy from all angles and places on the field. Like this dime from 30 yards out on the run. An absolute laser. A very similar example is on this play vs WIU that was unfortunately called back due to penalty. Senses the pressure and delivers a howitzer on the run to the end zone from 25 yards out. I watched a lot of these in slow motion and it’s crazy how good they look at 1x. I was also impressed at this throw vs UD where he’s falling backwards and still lasers it to the back of the endzone to the correct side of the crossing receiver. With the hit the receiver absorbs, it’s fair to assume this is falling on the ground if it’s thrown to the other side. The ability to get that kind of strength on a throw like that is unique. Another back foot toss vs ISU in this video. I know it’s only a screen but the zip he can get on a pass like this when he’s moving away from the play is just something. It’s a joy to watch. The ability of his arm is best displayed on the run. Here vs UD we get the best of both his arm and his ability to fit it into tight windows. Against the sideline he gets it to the perfect spot with THUNDER. Lets stay on UD for a bit, shall we? Here he rifles it between a triangle of defenders in a perfect spot. I honestly cannot get over this kid’s arm and how powerful it is. I also picked up a sneak peak at another under the radar prospect in this game. Now, they’re probably some years away and could use some training but look at them get this ball and quickly rocket it to the sideline. Back to Trey. Our last two plays for this part are just wonderful. This one is pure arm. The fact he relies on it so much isn’t always a bad thing. He’s rolling out left and making this throw leaning backwards. Still able to get it to his man with velocity. Finally, the play that led me down this rabbit hole. The improv. The pocket presence. The eyes downfield. The reads. The beautiful deep ball to the open man. He’s a freak.
Yeah, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. This is for shits and gigs now. We’re having fun in this section. Deep balls galore. If you don’t want to watch straight up porn, avoid these last plays. Let's start a little shorter with this beaut over the top against ISU. Corner of the end zone from the pocket with a beautiful arc. Yes, I timestamped this at one second. Yes, it’s a highlight video. But oh my God look at this wonderful toss into the receiver’s bread basket.From under center nonetheless! It came down at almost a 90 degree angle. Against ISU he puts this pass in the perfect spot on a guy who beat his man. Yeah, he misses these sometimes. But this is a beauty for a TD and something I believe he can do consistently. Plus look how easy he makes a 45 yard pass look. This incompletion was a beauty as well. He put it right on the guy’s hands on a perfect throw from the pocket. An NFL player will likely bring this in. A… Chris Godwin, maybe? Maybe an Allen Robinson? How about a Denzel Mims? Anywho… he probably could have placed this pass in a better spot. The pessimist would say it’s underthrown. The optimist would say that if he puts it too far inside and the ball ricochets off the defender’s helmet. Either way, it’s a 50 yard completion and the team has the ball at the 3 yard line. That’s a positive. I love watching him tool on UD. A solid highlight reel could be made from his tape in this game alone. Watch the angle on this deep ball. Another beautiful angle over the defender and hitting the WR in his hands. Once again, an NFL caliber WR would catch this in stride and take it to the house. That’s something to keep in mind when watching Wilson as well. These guys are accentuated by their competition but also held back by their team. Now for something completely different. This incompletion is so, so, so impressive. The ball never leaves the screen. Like, what!?!? This is Josh Allen and Patty Mahomes level arm strength. Think I’m exaggerating? Watch that clip again. He let’s it go from his own 27 and the ball is on a line to the opponents 15 fucking yard line. The damn camera struggles to catch up to the speed of the pass. No other prospect can do this, not even Lawrence. That’s a 65+ yard toss on a rope. Jesus. Anyway, wipe off and let’s move on. I wanted to include this play because it shows a big weakness in his tape combined with his biggest strength. He doesn’t come off his first read but his arm bails him out. If the WR can beat his man, Lance can make the throw. I tell you what, I could watch Trey Lance drop dimes over DBs all day, I don’t give a fuck about yer DBs. He makes 50 yard throws look easy. Any semblance of consistency in his game and he’s the best QB in this class, bar none. Yes, this guy is open. But the ease of which he makes this throw is why I’m excited for him. This is routine. Easy. Another easy toss? Sure, why not? It’s so smooth. He lets it go deep and you are almost certain the WR will be able to make a play. Ladies and gents, we have reached the conclusion of our dive into Trey Lance. For our final play, let’s watch him throw the ball from his own 25 to the opponents 23 for a touchdown.
So that’s all folks. I will be absolutely annoying the next three months pushing Lance down your throats. I will apologize now but never again. This man has it all. He is in the mold of Josh Allen and Patrick Mahomes. Just pure tools and raw talent. Lofty comparisons, sure. But ones I feel confident making. Decry his competition. Point out his faults as if they can’t be fixed and other prospects have zero red flags. I don’t care. I know what I’ve seen with my own two eyes. If Lance had the opportunity in 2020 to build off his 2019 season, we wouldn’t even be discussing who to take at 2nd overall. Not a fan of the tape, why not look at the box score stats and hype about his 65% completion percentage, 30 Pass TDs (9.4 TD%), 1 INT (0.3 INT%), 6 total fumbles (2 lost, remarkable given his 192 rush attempts), 8.1 Rush YPA, and 18 rushing TDs. Not mind blowing but very good numbers considering he only had 318 attempts through the air and 192 on the ground. We have 510 plays from Trey Lance and a majority of them are excellent.
Be with me, be against me. Just don’t be stupid. Become a member of the Round Table and join Trey Lancelot and the_fuzzy_stoner.
submitted by the_fuzzy_stoner to nyjets [link] [comments]

Future Watch: NV, NV Eh, and Abbreviations Galore

This series is designed to give people a VERY brief overview of what to expect. This isn’t designed to tell you which units are the best, it’s designed to give you a roadmap of what we know is coming to help you plan your resource allocation. Now I know some of you are saying “Phbbbbt, GLEX just blows this up bro! They change up so much you can’t plan nothing! Pointless.” In the past this wasn’t entirely true, in fact planning based entirely on the JP roadmap actually would’ve worked out very well for most players. We’re definitely in a spot where GLEX units could change everything though. We know that CNY is coming and almost assuredly bringing some GLEX units with it. Then we still have the S3 cast coming who many be NV’s at this point, and finally we also have the Fan Designed units coming. That’s a LOT of Glex units and will quite possibly result in the largest GLEX influx that we’ve seen in GL in a calendar year. Still the JP roadmap is a useful tool.
A few notes before we begin.
-I love numbers and I think when used correctly they can help flesh out an understanding of a unit. However I also realize that there are a lot more to units then simply numbers. As such I will be using numbers but please don’t get too caught up on them. All the spreadsheets maintained have different assumptions/parameters and as such numbers will vary. Generally what’s far more important then the number itself is it’s comparison to other units. Let’s be honest, 12B average DPT doesn’t really tell you whether the unit will make Gilgamesh easier for you. However knowing that the unit does 15% more damage then Sora, or 30% more then Terra does probably tell you something so you’ll see me use those sort of notations the most often.
-We all get enjoyment in different ways, especially in a game like this. At the end of the day FFBE is a game that is meant to be fun. (I assume it’s also a game at the beginning of the day too but I sleep in a lot so I can’t confirm) The BEST reason to pull for ANY unit is because it’ll increase your enjoyment of the game. If NV Tidus is an awful piece of crap of a unit with only a single move that does slightly less damage then Ashe I’m still going to pull for him. And you should too if doing so will increase your enjoyment.
-These reviews are brief.

Lasswell and Raegen aka LassGen

Expected Late January. AMOE and TAG Chaining and LB Finishing.

Why should we care?

It feels like it’s been ages since we got a Lasswell. ::What’s that? Current banner? I don’t know what you’re talking about.:: And this Lasswell brings along his old man. On top of sporting some New mechanics Lassgen (sorry Valerium) has really solid damage output and their affinity for slaying dragons should be pretty key for some of our upcoming content.

What makes them different?

While Fina and Rain technically beat Lassgen to the punch there’s likely going to be a lot more focus on these two. All of the TAG units have a few claims to fame primarily their access to a single race active Killer Buff that they can spread to the team, increased damage to enemies with a depleted BREAK bar and of course TAG chaining. TAG chaining is a new feature that allows these units to create a chain themselves. This is a big boon for those who have severe difficulty chaining on their devices and for those who would much rather bring a finisher then a chain-partner. The AOE Active killers isn’t new but it is a big part of each of the TAG units kits and makes each of them perfectly potent and powerfully preferred for pulverizing particular...content (Dang). If it’s Dragon Slaying then Lassgen is your duo.
I would say Lassgen is the beginning of almost a Lateral Powercreep in JP. Rather than just boasting higher and more eye-popping numbers they have a scalpel like skillset that makes them perform much better then other DPS units at certain things, but only as well as other DPS units at other things. In raw numbers at the top end you’re looking at around a 10% increase over Sora’s damage both in Damage Per Turn as well as burst for much of the game’s content. However against anything with a depleted BREAK gauge their trait of “70% more damage against Broken enemies” kicks in and they do, well 70% more damage. On top of this their Active Dragon Killers if they were to come into play would be about a 37.5% damage increase. So for trials like Bahamut (Dragon and BREAK gauge) Lassgen would be more than doubling Sora’s Output. Against a trial where neither of things came into play though would be more like a 10% difference between them.
The whole TAG thing will be covered a lot I’m sure but one of the main reasons it’s important is it allows you to go from the traditional 2 chainer setup to 1 TAG chainer and 1 Finisher, which also means if you were running 2 chainers and a finisher before that could now be 1 TAG chainer and 2 finishers. I won’t harp too much on the importance of this but I will say that this is NOT a feature that has popped up a ton in JP and appears to be saved for “Duo” units. So don’t expect TAG chaining on every DPS from here on out. After these TAG banners, which in JP was just 2 Banners the only other TAG unit to pop up was the Elric Brothers in the FMA collaboration. Although keep in mind that Charlotte and Physalis TAG unit was an event reward so there is a possibility of getting at least 1 TAG unit on the cheap.
Their most powerful move is their BS LB which is a 1 hit finishing move so you would need some support chains when it comes up. They only use it every 5 turns so they don’t spam it which makes it much easier to support chain for but still something to keep in mind. And this seems to apply to ALL the TAG units as well in case I forget. A big chunk of their damage, their burst, will come from 1 hit LB's.

What’s their TMR, STMR and VC like?

TMR is a materia with unconditional 30% ATK, 40% ATK with Sword and 40% ATK with Katana so a possible 110% ATK which is pretty good even now when capping ATK seems more an afterthought.
STMR is a sword with 25% LB damage and 75% Dragon Killer.
VC is 200HP, 20% HP, 90 ATK and 50% TDW.

What do I need to make them shine?

They are primarily designed to be TDW and can use Daggers, Swords, Great Swords, Katanas and Spears in both forms with Fists available on their Base and Guns on their BS. They only have 50% TDW with their TMR equipped on their Base form but 150% with it on their BS and lose 50% TDW without their S(TMR). They get 50% ATK from Daggers, Swords, Katanas and Great Swords so potential 100% on top of their innate 200% makes capping ATK pretty easy, even without their TMR. Their biggest burst is from their LB as is common for most Damage Dealers these days so they’ll soak up some LB equipment. Overall though they should be able to take advantage of a lot of different equipment setups including most of the LB damage boost stuff people have already acquired.

Why would I want to pull for them?

They’ll probably make upcoming Dragon bosses a mite bit easier.

Why might I want to skip them?

As I mentioned earlier they represent more of a Lateral powercreep then a vertical one. Against a lot of enemies they won’t do much better then your current Damage Dealer will but in other instances they’ll shine. So it’s really a question of what that’s worth to you. This is also part of the “trend” we’re seeing from JP where we’re at a Plateau for damage output in some ways but each unit tends to have something special. As such Lassgen isn’t a “must have” the way some units have been and what’s worse is that we have a lot of GLEX coming between CNY, presumably NV Season 3 cast and Fan Designed units. As such there’s almost more question marks upcoming then anything else and many of us are loathe to be caught without Lapis if some “Mastermind Xon” level unit were to drop soon. For those who do trials on release day Lassgen will probably be a staple, but that's not most players. For players who wait until Trials are a bit more powercrept Lassgen represents a lot less. A shiny new toy with some cool features like TAG chaining? Yes. But probably not an actual gamechanger for many.


  • Chaining without a partner
  • AOE Dragon Killer buffs
  • 70% damage bonus vs BROKEN enemies


  • Only in certain niches will they outperform current Damage Dealers

Dark Fina and Sol

Expected February. CWA and TAG chaining, LB Finishing.

Why should we care?

Think Magical Lassgen. Now think Ponies. Ha, I bet you just though of Ponies. Seriously though most of what I said about Lassgen is relevant here, Tag Chaining, AOE killers this time for Demons and increased damage against Broken enemies.

What makes them different?

Dark Fina and Sol bring a lot of what you expect from a modern mage to the table; limited elemental output (fire, earth and dark) and doing some better then others (Earth is their primary followed by Dark and Fire is more an afterthought), while also mixing in the TAG units strengths of TAG chaining, AOE active Demon Killers and increased damage against Broken enemies. They are pretty similar output wise to Physalis, our current best Mage, in Damage Per Turn and about 10% better with their burst.

What’s their TMR, STMR and VC like?

TMR is a materia with unconditional 30% MAG, 30% MAG with Whip and 30% MAG with rod.
STMR is a 198 MAG Rod with 50% TDH and 50% TDW.
VC is 200HP, 90 MAG and 50% MAG with a Rod and 50% MAG with a Robe.

What do I need to make them shine?

With a 6x chain cap and LB-centric finishing you’ll likely want to gear them TDW with LB gear similar to Ibara. They can equip all the standard mage garb so your loadout will probably be pretty standard.

Why would I want to pull for him?

Honestly it seems like we have a pretty limited selection of Magic damage dealers currently so I imagine there are some people out there that have been waiting for a solid mage as they missed on Ibara and Physalis and Dark Fina and Sol certainly are that. So if you've been waiting for a Mage they are not a bad choice at all.

Why might I want to skip him?

If you have Terra, Ibara or Physalis then you’re more or less just getting a slightly different element coverage and TAG chaining.


  • TAG chaining
  • AOE active Demon Killers


  • Limited elemental coverage

Akstar and Cleome

Expected February. AMOE and TAG chaining, LB finishing.

Why should we care?

Very similar to Lassgen but this time boasting AOE Active Human Killers and they also have a 15% Katana imperil.

What makes them different?

It’s an old guy and very young girl. So kind of like Jake and Lid if we’d gotten that duo. Honestly this is a rehash of everything I said about Lassgen except for the Killers, Human this time, and Katana Imperil on their LB. Damage wise they clock in very similar to Lassgen as well.

What’s their TMR, STMR and VC like?

TMR is a materia with unconditional 30% LB damage and 70% ATK with a Katana.
STMR is a 207 ATK 2H Katana with 50% LB damage and 50% Human killer.
VC is 90 ATK, 80% ATK with a Katana and 50% TDH for FFBE units.

What do I need to make them shine?

Although still LB-centric this unit is TDH based which means they’ll greatly benefit from the upcoming STMR from NV Lightning that will increase their Chain Cap by 1x. Unfortunately it looks like they’ll need it to match Lassgen’s damage output. Their weapon selection is Instruments, Daggers, Katanas, Great Swords and Swords. They don’t have any weapon specific ATK boosts but their built in Katana Imperil means you’ll probably want a 2H Katana for them.

Why would I want to pull for them?

If you’re looking for a TAG chainer or unit with 70% more damage against BROKEN units but prefer Human Killers and TDH.

Why might I want to skip him?

You already have a TAG unit or aren’t terribly interested in TAG units.


  • TAG Chaining
  • AOE Active Human Killers
  • Katana Imperil


  • Damage a bit lower then Lassgen
  • Less flexible gearing

Savior of Souls Lightning

Expected Late February-March. AMoE and BS chains.

Why should we care?

Lightning is a very interesting unit with a very unique kit but I’m not going to lie she has the feel of a “prototype” where we see what they were aiming for and can agree it’s a good thought but the execution leaves much to be desired. Still it’s nice to see such a unique unit and even if she herself isn’t terribly popular many will pull her just for her STMR.

What’s her TMR, STMR and VC like?

TMR is a Heavy Shield with 50 ATK/MAG/DEF/SPR and 50% ATK/MAG TDH with or without Shield
STMR increased Chain Modifer cap by 1x. Hard Cap in game is still 6x so this is mostly to benefit TDH units.
VC is 80 ATK/MAG with 100% ATK and MAG with either a Light or Heavy Shield equipped. 50% MAG/ATK TDH with or without shield for FFXIII units.

What makes her different?

EVERYTHING. You’ll see I moved the (S)TMR-VC area up because I’m going to have to reference it a lot here. So there’s 2 very big things going on here and I’ll tackle them one by one. First is Increased Chain Cap Modifier. Up until now a lot of TDW units have had TDW Mastery that gives them a chain cap of 6x whereas TDH is at 4x. The advantage is clearly TDW given just that but is offset by the fact that TDH Equipment ATK goes up to 400% whereas TDW Equipment ATK only goes up to 200% and the fact that TDH weapons, 2H weapons, have a higher variance. This tended to make the two different but roughly equal when all is said and done. Lightning has a trait that increases her Chain Cap by 1, she also has an STMR that does the same thing. Outside of her the STMR is still much more important then if first sounds as going from a 4x to 5x is a 25% damage increase, for 1 Materia. Many of you are probably familiar with my “10% STMR” rule of thumb where I like to see a 10% damage increase from an STMR to make it worth an STMR moogle. So suffice to say a 25% damage increase is huge. (Boring nerd stuff: when chaining it won’t quite be a 25% increase for all units because the chain has to build first) Still it’s a gamechanger. When Sora was new, and we can all agree Sora is unit built for TDW, I designed to compare his TDW BIS, his current TDH BIS, and his Future TDH BIS after Lightning’s STMR was released. Here’s what that looks like So you’ll see that after Lightning’s STMR he’ll actually deal slightly more damage on average built TDH and a decent amount more damage when a “high roll” is achieved. And that’s with needing a fair amount of TDH gear, Killer Gear and LB gear and NOT capping ATK, LB damage, Killers OR TDH! So there’s actually room to grow there. Game changer.
The next completely new thing Lightning brings is the so-called “Sword and Board” meta which simply put is TDH even if you have a weapon AND shield equipped. An important caveat though is that 2H weapons are still not allowed with a Shield so she won’t get the Variance that a traditional TDH unit gets. However she also brings TDH DEF with her that means we’re looking at a very very bulky Damage Dealer, think Xuan Wu and Qing Long with ATK/DEF. These are the two biggest highlights but she actually has a lot more to bring as well.
She can Provoke, either actively or Passively, has a lot of Mitigations for herself so she could be a Damage Dealer and Provoke Tank. Amazingly we’re just getting warmed as she also has AOE Lightning Imbue and Lightning Damage Boost, gobs of elemental resist boosts and an AOE Double-Stack of Mirage on her Base LB. But wait, there’s more, she also has a 90% SPR break on her BS LB, that is right 90%, she switches from Physical Attacker on her Base to Magic Attacker on her BS and she can actually use Rods and Robes on her BS (sorry Lasswell), she has an 85% Fullbreak, and she has 30% damage increase against BROKEN (Depleted BREAK bar) enemies. Yeah, it’s a lot. Unfortunately if you read my opening you know where this is going though, she’s a Jack of all trades and a master of none. Her damage comes in about 25-30% lower then Sora currently does both for DPT and for Burst. While not awful considering all that bulk it’s stil less then exciting.
So as you can see this a very very very INTERESTING unit, and really only needs a trial or two that she shines in to help sell her but unfortunately we don’t really have such a trial yet.

What do I need to make her shine?

This is a bit tricky because some will opt to gear her for Provoke and Evade ala Shadow while others will focus on her bulk while maintaining damage. Still others, and this will probably be the most popular imo, will focus on her damage and forego a shield for a 2H weapon. Kind of a bummer that for many she'll work best by simply ignoring the "Sword and Board" aspect of her design but so it is. Her STMR is crucial on her regardless of which path you take but whether she even uses her TMR or VC will depend heavily on which flavor of Lightning you prefer.

Why would I want to pull for her?

You want a unique STMR that can change builds up quite a bit or an extremely interesting unit that lots of things.

Why might I want to skip her?

You still have nightmares about the first twenty hours of FFXIII. That or you won’t use her. With such a unique and fascinating kit she could be a godsend for a lot of players but for others she’ll just sit on the bench because she doesn't deal enough damage to take over as Primary DD but also doesn't do enough to take over any other slot either.


  • Game changing STMR
  • Huge bulk
  • Two stack AOE mirage
  • Provoke with mitigations
  • AOE Lightning imbue
  • Breaks- 90% SPR, 85% Fullbreak
  • Physical Attacker and Mage rolled into one


  • Jack of All Trades

NVA Draconioan Princess Fina

January-February. CWA Chainer, EVOke Finisher.

Why should we care?

If you gave up on Chimera EXT because you didn’t have someone who could overwrite Chimera’s Field Effect then look no further. PLEASE NOTE that she is NVA unit. So this could be a unit you already have and just need to awaken, rather than one you need to pull for.

What makes her different?

Imagine if Terra had a much smaller burst but the same Damage Per Turn, you’d basically have NVA DP Fina. Up until now Terra was our only really successful EVOker, so while much of what Terra brings to the table is copied by DP Fina it’s still a very limited pool of such units. In fact DP Fina should arrive the same time as Infernal Fire Rain’s NVA (Who is similar enough but a fair amount weaker so that I’m not going to bother highlighting him) which will bring the total of such units to 3. The recent Chimera trial is made much much easier by having a unit that can do a Field Effect to replace the opponents and we’ll likely continue to see such things in the future. Unlike the vast majority of Damage Dealers in the game EVOkers don’t use Killers so you don’t need to give them any of your Killer gear which is great especially when such gear is stretched thin ::Cough cough Dark Visions cough cough::

What do I need to make her shine?

Like Terra her biggest burst is her BS LB which is an EVOke moves and it means you’ll want EVO Mag, EVOKE Damage AND LB boosting equipment. Unlike Terra though her non-LB turns still pack a huge punch and as such her EVO MAG and Evoke Damage is far more important then her LB boost. Still it’s a fairly narrow field of such equipment and will be your best friend in identifying what you have and might need.

Why would I want to pull for her?

I’ll be honest: you probably don’t. As a general rule I would never recommend pulling for NVA units, instead I would suggest Awakening them to NVA if you have them OR UOCing them. If you don’t have Terra and you can’t awaken Infernal Rain and you feel like you need a Field Effect creator OR EVOker then I would consider UOCing her.

Why might I want to skip her?

You already have Terra or NVA Infernal Rain or are waiting for Faris.


  • Really good damage output
  • Doesn’t require killers
  • Isn’t as LB dependant as Terra


  • Much lower burst then Terra


Closing Thoughts

At least for the TAG units we have a lot of different flavors of the same candy. Historically speaking Lassgen seems to be the best fit for our upcoming Trials BUT I don't feel that there is any wrong choice here. They all have usable TMRs, great STMRs and interesting VCs.
I'll try to do another of these Soon-ish and focus more on NVA's however it'll probably be even more concise then these are. They are doing a pretty good job of making NVA's usable, but imo none of them come close to Tifa in the Top Tier kind of way. NVA Raegen has solid damage output but is well behind our current top Damage Dealers. Reminds me a lot of his Enhancements. Gilgamesh is a nice BreakeDD that probably falls between Loren and Riku/OK but also brings several different "deplete BREAK gauge" moves. Fenrir Edel is yet another EVOker but only really fills the niche if you have no one else.

EX2 Unit Upgrades

In JP between the Release of the second batch of TAG units and NV Lightning they gave new abilities to several early NV’s at EX2. This included Cloud (FFVII REMAKE), Rain -Neo Vision-, Aerith (FFVII REMAKE), Awakened Dragon Akstar, Sol -Neo Vision-, Gabranth -Neo Vision-. You can read about these upgrades here
Like the Upgrades of old it gave some new life to these units although none became Top Tier again imo with the possible exception of Gabranth who was and continued to be the best Physical Tank. I would note though that Gabranth received a large amount of additional bulk and Cloud received a 35% Great Sword imperil that made him relevant again.

Future Watch FAQ

Q: Where is _______? A: They suck! J/K In JP there has been a slew of new Damage Dealers released but very little else. As such I choose to focus on the more “important” ones. I also chose to only handle so many banners this time. I’ll probably put out another Future Watch covering NVA Raegen, Enhanced Crown Prince Noctis, Faris, the Elric Brothers and NV Noctis within the next month or so.
Q: Why does your spreadsheet say X and Furcula’s says Y and DreamblitzX’s says Z? A: We all use slightly different parameters although my 2.0 is pretty similar to Furcula’s assumptions now. Still sometimes we get different rotations, different builds, different chain modifiers or different assumptions. Still I try to keep a close eye to make sure we’re all in the same ballpark.
Cheers, Jon Id Schultz
submitted by jonidschultz to FFBraveExvius [link] [comments]

GME Exit Help

So I have been trading options since may and got in the GME train at share price 20$ with 4x july16 35c and 1x july16 26c. I am deep itm and its only going to get deeper (hopefully). Now my issue is selling them while retaining most of my gainz because the bid-ask spreads are so wide (or at least were). When it rockets, who is going to buy my options? There is no incentive for anyone to do so. With that logic I thought that exercising and then selling those shares while being near the peak is my best bet.
Is this worth doing over setting a regular limit sell and sacrificing some money? Are there any tax implications of exercising and then selling? I am not sure what to do here...
Any advice will help.
submitted by swizz8oy to options [link] [comments]

Slightly obscure tips (after leaving starter system) [spoilers second half]

Following may have some technology tree and gameplay spoilers.
  1. You have to research the 4th (or 5th?) item in the Logistic Travel Speed research tree to unlock warping for your Logistic Ships.
  2. Figure out a way to make Green Matrix and convert them into Space Warpers. The yield is 8x Warpers for 1 Green Matrix. It's a good and efficient sacrifice to make. Throw this into one of your Interstellar Logistic Tower.
  3. Until devs allow you to set the source and destinations for logistic networks, ensure that EVERY Interstellar Logistic Tower "remote demands" for Space Warpers, I set the number to be atleast 1000 in each Tower.
  1. Unlock the Dyson Stress System research (the +15 degrees thing which at the time won't make any sense).
  2. To create a plan, click on the Dyson Sphere button on the bottom left (or hit Y). Do a small test. Click on the first layer of the Dyson Sphere (not Swarm) and add atleast 3 nodes (points) on the buildable area. Use the line tool to connect them and finally the area tool to 'paint' the area where the Dyson Sphere would be built.
  3. Once you are happy, (or just to test, you can delete the nodes, part of the sphere whenever), launch Dyson Sphere components using the Rocket Launcher. Clicking on the Rocket Launcher tells you how many components need to be launched. Once that number is met, your Dyson swarm will fill the 'painted' region and that part of the Dyson sphere will be built.
Don't forget to scale up Blue Matrix production when you are playing with antimatter and creating your own Suns.
Happy building. I will sleep now. Will edit grammar tomorrow. Maybe.
submitted by runescape_baker to Dyson_Sphere_Program [link] [comments]

Story Time: $TSLA, SP500, 2020 Bubble & History

Disclaimer: Copied from this twitter thread by Christopher Bloomstran
Let’s get ready to tumble! Come Monday, $TSLA enters the S&P 500, as the world is aware. This is the one you will tell your grandkids about, or at least the new crop of investors, wondering what the bubble of 2020 was like. Tesla can be your example of the insanity....1/
For all of the cost-saving benefits of passive investing, the Standard & Poor’s committee that actively chooses the components for its indices will prove why passive investors are the dumb money with this coming Monday’s inclusion of $TSLA into its venerable S&P 500 index. 2/
The committee is not known for a price consciousness. It chases what’s hot and eliminates from its august roster what’s not. 3/
It’s disregard for fundamentals or value was seen sharply in late 1999 & early 2000 when bubble darlings like Peoplesoft, New Century Energy, Global Crossing, Xilinx, Teradyne, Quintiles Transnational, Citrix and JDS Uniphase made their way into the index. 4/
Pull up the long-term charts to see how these “timely” additions fared post admittance. The most prominent additions in 1999 were America Online (discussed in my 12/5 thread) and Yahoo, whose mania also reminds me of Tesla... 5/
Yahoo went public in 1996, priced at $13 per share, opened at $24.50 and closed at $33 on its first trading day, a market cap of $850 million. From there the shares zoomed ahead by more than 6x in 2 years reaching $354 in January 1999. 6/
The company then bought Geocities for $3.6B and Broadcast for $5.7B and the stock was more than cut in half, trading down to $120. Recovering by late 1999, the wizards at S&P announced they would add Yahoo to the index on 11/30/1999. 7/
The stock climbed 67% from $210 on the day of the announcement to $350 on the day of its inclusion on 12/7, one week later. Sound familiar? The rollercoaster didn’t high point for another month. 8/
Yahoo peaked not quite a month later at a share price of $475, a market cap of $127B on January 3, 2000 (the cap didn’t include another 124 million option shares, 38M granted in 1999 alone, which implied an additional ~$50B in market cap on January 3, 2000). 9/
In hindsight, or for anyone with reason, which was lacking in those days, there was no need to count the fully diluted shares. Why? Those options would not be exercised. The stock fell 98.3% over the next 1 ¾ years, from $475 to $8.11 on 9/26/2001, a market cap of $2.2B. Yep. 10/
At the peak, Yahoo's $127B market cap compared to $600 million in trailing 12-month revenues, so 211 times revenues. 11/
But the Yahoo and tech bulls would get right in your face (or on the Yahoo Finance message board) and tell you, moron, that sales had grown 141%, 248%, 258% and 1,345% in the prior 4 years, which they did. 12/
Heck, even after the stock dropped from a STOCK PRICE of $475 to $30 (a mere 93.7% in a year for those counting) by the end of 2000, sales still GREW by 88% to $1.1B, to “only” 15 times revenues! From there, however, the company flailed. 13/
Sales actually fell 35%, from $1.1B to $717m from 2000 to 2001, which is what drove the shares down to $8.11 and a $2.2B market cap. To what had been the first and dominant home page, and really the dominant search engine, competition came fast. 14/
Yahoo even eventually outsourced its search function to upstart Google if you can believe that. Yahoo did ultimately grow its revenues another 5x to $5B by 2016, when it was bought by Verizon $VZ in 2016 for $4.5B, excluding a sub's partial investment in Alibaba. 15/
The buyout was at a far cry from the day Yahoo came into the S&P 500 as the 30th largest capitalization in the index, with a market cap of roughly $90B and I’d guess at a weight of 0.7%. 16/
At its January 3, 2000 peak, Yahoo had climbed to the #15 spot in the index, well ahead of Berkshire Hathaway $BRKA $BRKB (which was not yet in the index despite its mere $83B market cap, $131B in assets and $38B in shareholders equity.) 17/
Had Berkshire been in the index the day Yahoo peaked it would have held only the 37 spot, behind notorious tech darlings Cisco at $358B, Intel $290B, Time Warner $184B, Lucent $171B Sun Mico $168B, AT&T $160B, WorldCom $148B, Dell $130B, HP $120B, Oracle $120B, EMC $116B,... 18/
Qualcomm $116B, DirecTV $102B, Verizon $93B, AOL $93B, Motorola $90B, and Bellsouth $87B. Many of these are gone today, which leads us back to $TSLA. 19/
Never has the S&P 500 committee brought in a company so large by market cap as will be the case with Tesla's inclusion. Nor have they ever brought in a company at so high a spot in the cap-weighted index, at #6, one notch ahead of Berkshire Hathaway. Insanity. 20/
Of course, by sales & profits, plenty of companies have entered the index as larger constituents, but that’s not what counts in the passive index. It’s all about float adjusted market cap. Fundamental valuation matters not. Qualifying for index inclusion required some hijinks.21/
Tesla had cut R&D & SG&A, drew on reserves and leaned on environmental carbon credits to “earn” a GAAP profit for a necessary four quarters. They did so for five. Oddly, revenues only grew 15% in 2019, prior to the pandemic, in part for a reduction in customer tax incentives. 22/
Impressively, they have grown revenues 15% for the first 9 months of 2020 during the crisis while the incumbents saw sales decline. No doubt the business is growing. But how to value it? 23/
On November 16, the S&P index committee announced Tesla would be added on December 21. The market cap was $380B. Here on Saturday December 19, the stock price at $695 yields a market cap of $659B ($BRK, the current #6 is $528B) up $279B or 73% since the announcement. 24/
The gain matches the percentage rise seen by Yahoo during the week between its announcement & addition. The $279B gain is LARGER than the $215B market cap of the world’s largest auto manufacturer, Toyota. Tesla’s $659B cap is on 948M shares out at 9/30 (up 5% since YE 2019). 25/
The share count excludes another 157M unvested or unexercised option and RSU shares, which would add more than $100B to the market cap on a fully diluted basis. 26/
Let’s not count those for the same reason they were excluded in the Yahoo calculation. Why? Many may go unexercised. Why? Nobody in their right mind would pay $659B, $760B diluted, for a car co w/ $30B in sales, little or no economic profit and an enormous growth capital need.27/
25x sales? 2,030x GAAP earnings? 422x earnings assuming Toyota’s best in industry 6% profit margin? Heck, even 85 times Microsoft’s 30% profit margin (a bone for the Tesla is not a car company but also a software/robotaxi crowd). Welcome to the game, index fund investors. 28/
80% of Tesla’s shares float, not owned by insiders, which means the adjusted market cap weight will be $528B, compelling somewhere between $50 and $75B of direct index purchases, not to mention those needed by index huggers and closet indexers. 29/
The stock will come in at ~1.75% of the $30.5 trillion index, itself significantly overvalued, not unlike when Yahoo peaked in January 2000 and the index peaked at over 30x earnings and 44x cyclically adjusted (CAPE) shortly thereafter. 30/
What prospective return does the Tesla bull expect, or the passive investor with 1.75% of capital in the shares come Monday? At 15% a year, the market cap, assuming no further dilution, grows to $3T over the next decade, ~10% of the market value of the entire S&P 500 today. 31/
At “only” 10% per year, the fully diluted market cap grows to $2 trillion, almost where $AAPL is valued these days. At a 10% shareholder return, to trade at 30x earnings, Tesla will need to be earning $67 billion. 32/
For grins let’s assume the company actually earns some blend of auto maker profit (most earn ~3%, Toyota ~6%) and a subscription software, robotaxi margin of 30%. Generously call it a 20% blended profit margin, which I’d bet heavily against. 33/
At the impossible 20% margin, $67B would sit under $335B in revenues, roughly 11 times today’s run rate. Revenues will need to grow by almost 28% per year, and profits to 20% of revenues, to get to a 30x multiple on earnings. 34/
To finance the necessary capital stock to produce $335B in revenues will require about half that much in capital, either debt or equity. 35/
Car companies require roughly a dollar in capital to produce a dollar in revenues, but remember we are "assuming" this is a software company or whatever else hallucinogens conjure up in the minds of bulls. 36/
The best course of action for Tesla is to keep selling “at-the-market” blocks, with no prospectus, road show or risk warning, to the dumb money that is willing, or compelled, as is the passive crowd, to pay dangerous prices. The dilution at today’s prices is infinitesimal. 37/
Through the end of 2019 Tesla had sold $12.7B in shares and borrowed $16B in debt and preferred stock. Total capital raised of $28B exceeded FY 2019 revenues of $25B and produced a $6B cumulative LOSS. 38/
So far in 2020, Tesla has borrowed an additional net $200m and sold $12.3B of new shares (assuming a sale of the most recent $5B “at-the-market”). Bulls revere the cash on the balance sheet, but it didn’t come from profit or free cash. 39/
Total capital raised is now $40B before retained losses. What does Tesla earn on capital? Nothing yet. Equity is less than capital raised from stock sales by the amount of cumulative losses. Per share book is of course higher thanks to successful stock sales way above book...40/
From a business case and investment standpoint, the math doesn’t work. Consider that total automobiles sold worldwide peaked two years ago at about 95m passenger and commercial car and truck units. At $20,000 per new vehicle, we can call the global auto market $2T in size. 41/
Our example has Tesla’s market cap growing over the next decade at “only” 10% per year to a like $2T. Car companies, with the exception of Ferrari, which makes three cars per year, don’t trade for one times sales. They trade for less. 42/
Toyota, which earns a 6% margin and 6% on capital, trades itself at an all-time-high $215B on revenues of $280B in 2019, less in 2020. 43/
Auto manufacturers trade for less than sales because they make ~3% net margins and earn that same ~3% on capital and revenues grow at ~3%. We can call the industry 3x3x3 (new material here folks). The car business is a bad business, and that’s what Tesla is trying to disrupt? 44/
The best case for shareholders: If Tesla grows the aforementioned sales for the next decade by 28% to $335B (it won’t), the stock will trade for no more than 1x sales, because it’s a CAR company. 45/
If it earns Toyota’s best in class 6% margin, even allowing for software “upgrades,” it earns $20B and trades for 25x, or a $500B market cap, which is a 33% loss from here people using diluted shares. If sales, margins or the multiple are lower, shareholders lose more. 46/
The realistic case: The performance of the stock from here is a giant loss over time and the Tesla cult loses interest in the brand. In fact, they come to hate the brand because of their coming stock losses, customer and employee mistreatment. 47/
Ask the guys and gals on the S and X lines about their unpaid “break” here at quarter end. Rumor has it they can "volunteer their time" to help boost production before yearend. Sales grow nowhere near 28% a year. The incumbent auto manufacturers won’t roll over and play dead. 48/
My prior tweet elaborated on @elonmusk using his inflated shares as currency to acquire another manufacturer w/ capacity, as he mentioned he’d be up for in a friendly merger of equals. The point of that message was that the incumbents won’t take his dangerous scrip in a deal. 49/
That leaves Elon with having to sell new shares perpetually to finance his growth. It makes 100% sense when the shares are insanely overvalued to do so, and despite the ethics of doing so in these recent at-the-market deals. 50/
By contrast, Mr. Buffett points out he’d prefer new and current shareholders to have a fair experience in his company’s shares. If the auto makers won’t take them in a deal, and they shouldn’t, then that leaves new shareholders to provide growth capital. Hello passive crowd. 51/
We’ll see what happens after Monday, when Tesla assumes the #6 perch in the index. When the argument for passive is low fees, remind me in ten years how much of the loss in Tesla’s shares from here should be considered a “fee,” or a tax on stupidity. 52/
At 1.75% of the index, a decline of 80-90% would be heavy, but realistic. Impossible to decline that much? An 88% drop takes you all the way back to….where Tesla’s shares began the year. 53/
A 90% decline takes the cap to $66B, 2.2x current run rate revenues & 37x a hypothetical 6% net margin. A mere 80% drop gets to a $132B cap, 4.4x revenues, and to give the bulls on Tesla not being a car company credit, still 37x a 12% hypothetical profit margin. Ridiculous. 54/
You can play around all you like w/ assumptions for growth, market share, expansion into new markets, profit & returns on capital, but paying for some fractional ownership of today’s $760B fully diluted market value is highly likely to produce a disastrous investment result. 55/
Bravo, S&P. The decision to add $TSLA at present valuation is almost sure to exact pain on passive investors, compelled to “invest” 1.75% of capital in one of the most overvalued companies on record. Brilliant. As the other Buffett sings, “Come Monday, it’ll be all right...” 56/
As disclosure, I have a small short position in $TSLA. Don’t take this note as investment advice because it’s not. Do your own research. Stocks go up & down, and shorting is extremely dangerous. Upside is capped and downside is unlimited. $TSLA has risen 8.3x just this year. 57/
If Tesla repeats the same return over the next year the market cap would be $6.3 trillion. Two years of repeat performance and the cap becomes $52 trillion. Of course, that’s 70% larger than the entire S&P 500, but by then any short seller is long bankrupt. 58/58 END
TL;DR1: TSLA may go down, not probably but maybe at some point after SP500 inclusion. Why? It's mentioned somewhere in above points comparing it to some historical events and what TSLA makes!
TL;DR2 (from u/rch0wdhury): Yahoo failed after being added in S&P. Tesla can fail, or maybe not. We will get to know in future.
submitted by snendroid-ai to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Foreigns - All listed w/ Prices - Updated Feb. 2021 - what prices/emojis/countries/& flavors do they need?

If any are missing or you can think of an improved formatting change, lmk! I feel like I missed some sent to me in PM or chat and would be hard to find again. Also if there's any duplicates!
We also want you to tell us about discontinued/old syrups from all over the world too to document Lean history!
Foreign average prices thread


Benylin 🍬🌿🇿🇦
"too fire sweet strawberry minty flavor"
Stillpane 🇦🇺
"is a sweet black currant drop really nice comin from a painstop sipper in Australia"
Toseína 🍬🇪🇸🇵🇹- Sorbitol ⚠️ - 250ml 2mg/ml codeine . bubblegum 40-65€-150€ u/leroiheenok78 u/Baba_Harald
Euphon 🍬🇫🇷 - 10oz (300ml)/20-50€ u/100doz
Prix de france : Euphon : 40€
Atlas 🍮🇨🇦 - 1oz/$80 u/getogeko
Cristalia 🍬🇧🇷 - 120ml 3mg/ml / 10-20 dollars u/kZWarz
Cristalia bottle 120ml 3mg/ml. 10/20 dollars. I love brasil 😍🇧🇷
Codinex 🇮🇪
Broncleer 🍬🇿🇦
Paracodina sciroppo 🇮🇹 (means syrup) ITALY: Paracodina Gocce 10,25mg/ml 4,60€ Paracodina + Cardiazol 20mg/ml 100mg/ml 10,62€ Paracodina Sciroppo (syrup) 12mg/5ml 4,90€ u/Chillerlutscher007
Paracodein N Syrup 🍬🇩🇪 (Germany) - in Germany, 20€, its clear an taste like cherry Tryasol codein mite, is pink, an taste like raspberry 🍬
Bells Linctus 🍋🍯🇬🇧£ - 200ml bottle/£12 from Pharmacy/"Chemist", Street prices are £30-£90-£150 per set (1x Codeine Linctus and 2x Phenergan Elixir) u/Glittering_Flight152 & u/ewanhort
Sugar Care+ Linctus 🍋🍯🇬🇧£ - 200ml bottle/£12 from Pharmacy/"Chemist", Street prices are £30-£90-£150 per set (1x Codeine Linctus and 2x Phenergan Elixir)
Pinewood Linctus 🍋🍯🇬🇧£ - Sorbitol ⚠️ 200ml bottle/£12 from Pharmacy/"Chemist", Street prices are £30-£90-£150 per set (1x Codeine Linctus and 2x Phenergan Elixir)
Galcodine 🍋🍯🇬🇧£ - Sorbitol ⚠️ - 200ml bottle/£12 from Pharmacy/"Chemist", Street prices are £30-£90-£150 per set (1x Codeine Linctus and 2x Phenergan Elixir)
Thornton & Ross 🇬🇧£
Tryasol mite 🍬🇩🇪 - 100ml/29-60€ u/Baba_Harald
Ratio-Cotridin 🌿🍒🇨🇦⚠️ 8$/ml u/dastreetgod2
PainStop Night (sweet butterscotch flavour and contains codeine, promethazine, APAP ⚠️ - in Aus the only actual Lean (prometh/Cod) is $30 a bottle for 200ml but script only, so it goes for $200-$400 depending on where in Aus you are u/Riddled420
"contains Codeine Hemihydrate which is not the same as Codeine Phosphate. ite binded with water molecules (hence the HEMIHYDRATE in the name)
so it's not technically 5 mg of codeine as some of the weight is taken up by the Hemihydrate.
I don't know how much but it should be noted that its not technically 5 mg per dose. so when pouring up to take it as more like 2-3 mg codeine per dose. because it contains APAP. and its just a precaution. I'm not from Australia so I'm the exact ratio but I'm tryna keep y'all safe u feel me"
PainStop Day - codeine, APAP ⚠️ - “Tutti-Fruity
(tastes like ass in rikky4ever's opinion)
Expectalin 🇿🇦
Tussethyl 🇧🇪 - (1,33mg ethylmorphine/ml) - 200ml Goes in Belgium for 40-50 if you know the right people if not its easy 100-200 and internationally it can go up to 360-400 euros for a bottle u/ApprovedByAvishay
Codipront 🍌🍓🇵🇹 - 90ml 2.2mg/ml codeine-Phenyltoloxamine . banana strawberry 150€
"1 Spanish codipront (now only found in portugal AFAIK) from the 90s probably the only Spanish syrup to ever come in red bottles"
Kodel 🍯🇲🇽 - 8oz/$45-$60
"Last trip to Mexico they had Kodel for 45 now us u/Cultured_sipper"
Neo-Codion 🇫🇷 - 180ml 1mg/ml Camphosulfonate codéine candy 50€
Prix de france : Neocodion : 30€ u/papaderyl
Paderyl - 150ml 1mg/ml codeine . medical strawberry 50€
Prix de france : Paderyl : 35€
Emzolyn 🇳🇬 - Nigerian
Histaverin 🇪🇸 fruity but menthol - *(generic of Toseina) *
"Histavern is a green codeine syrup in Germany I believe"
"2mg/ml green liquid close second because it actually has no fucked up synth sugar just sacarose. But strong menthol that will make you think twice about drinking it. More mentholy than tris, I call it Spanish Tris"
Tussipax - 200ml 1mg/ml (ethylmorphine/codeine) . Honey-lemon 50€
Fludan Bisoltus 🇪🇸 cream coconut - (generic of Toseina)
Pfizer Triprolidine & Codeine Phosphate Cough Syrup sugar free 100mL
NAF sterk hostesirup in Norway. Translates to NAF Strong Cough Syrup. 33mg codeine/10mg ettlmorphine per 5ml.
"tastes like shit"
Toularynx 🇧🇪🌿🍒
"taste is cherry menthol"


Makatussin 🍒🍦🇨🇭 - 80ml, also used to come in a large size, 2mg/ml dihydrocodeine/diphenhydramine grape medicine 200€ (best euro lean)
Maka is like 110 eur in switzerland and between 140-200 outside of the country u/KuramaV2
OTC (over the counter) 6.95 chf // 6 eur +-
After they stopped selling Maka OTC back in 2k16 it was like 50 but shit changed
Rikodeine 🍓🇦🇺 - Strawberry / Acidic Strawberry) - Sorbitol ⚠️ - 200 ml/$18-$28 u/nicpn46 depending on which chemist you buy it from and rikodeine 100 ml 190mg is $12-$20 depending where you buy it from
Rikodeine 100ml 190mg dihydrocodeine, $12.50 AUD u/loggdoggy
it’s okay if you pour 2/3 lines max but I wouldn’t sip more than that personally. Mixing riko and painstop night is the best way to sip in Aus without getting the negative effects of the other ingredients of either.
Paracodine 🇧🇪🇩🇪 - 150ml 12.5mg/ml dihydrocodeine - clear like water . cherry 120€
Colombia has dihydrocodeine OTC as well


Tussionex 🥭🍍🇺🇸🇨🇦🦖 (including VC orange Tuss)
PDP 🍒🇨🇦⚠️ - 1oz/$100-$200 depending on who you know 🇨🇦 u/getogeko


Oxynorm 🍊🍓🍋🇦🇺🇬🇧🇳🇿 - "metallic taste (saccharin). Can kill you if you drink it too fast. I've drank a 4 of this together with a 9oz wock plain and honestly was nuts. I much prefer hydro"
Shortec liquid - 1mg oxy per 1ml

Phenergan/Prometh Elixirs/Liquids/Syrups/Solutions:

Promethazine Phenergan Elixir by Sanofi (English)
Phenergan Elixir by Sanofi (Indian)

Misc (where do these go?):

Fludan codeina ®
Notusin ® 🔴🍬 - *Red Raspberry *
"Notusin is a cheap and not that efficient way to get the lean effect, it has a low amount of Codeine and no Promethazine." - "discontinued a while ago together with tusikern and bisoltus. Red Raspberry"
Perduretas Codeína
Bronchodine 🇧🇪 - from Belgium
"I wanna say orange flavor but I'm not so sure. Not bad at all."
Triproñifine & codeine 🇮🇳 - Indian
"Doesn’t taste as good as the prometh plain from Abbot that I've had from there but its a 100ml clear plastic bottle and the taste is not ugly but silly, like a kid’s syrup."
Adco Salterpyn and Stopayne
Fludan Bisoltus
Bisolvon compositum (parent of bisoltus containing cod + dph + eph) one expired in 2002 one in 2007
Prohist Forte - clear LIQUID, 30mg codeine per 5ml I think
"Flavorless I'd guess/tasted like baby wipes lol but was prime for homebrew, but no one was really doing that back then"
Cosylan from Norway - has Ethylmorphine only
"It's the oldest prescription medicine on the market here, so it tastes mediciney, but good with heavy sodas, like Fanta Orange, Exotic or Lemon. Best with our local orange soda Solo. Surprisingly good with Orangina.
It's stronger than US lean, so you can pour it up less muddy, and get a nice cup. Very thick and syrupy. Beautiful flip.
Most commonly prescribed opioid medicine. Easy to get. Acquired taste, literally."
Sival-B. ⚠️ - Only 7.5 mg per 5ml plus pseudoephedrine
"A shitload of it. I bet it tastes like ass too as an "extra deterent" but have never even heard of anyone getting their hands on it!"
Dol-u-ron forte 🇵🇹 - 1000mg paracetamol + 60mg codeine
Ethylmorphine 🍬⚠️ - 200ml 1.33mg/ml
Check out the voted on/ranked Cream soda thread too!
Here's also a list of best cream sodas and best sodas/combos
All good Flavor Pairings for Lean (made for US but can be applied to some Foreigns, maybe I'll or someone will make an expanded one in the future with the whole world's or just Foreign syrups)
submitted by BigBlueOG to lean [link] [comments]

An Old Deck to Hit Legend: Galakrond Warlock Guide

Hello all. I reached Legend with Galakrond Warlock today. This is my first attempt to write a Guide so if it looks lacking apologies for that.
First of all, i have been playing with Galakrond Warlock since it's launch in Descent Of Dragons so i had an opportunity to observe weaknesses and strengths of the deck throughout 3 expansions and for more than 1 year. The deck was extremely powerful when it first came out, it had Sacrificial Pacts (un-nerfed version) against Demon Hunters and had a unique style where you could use Highlander cards in a non-Highlander deck.
Dropping vanilla Alexstrazsa after playing a fully invoked Galakrond, then using an active Zephyrs and Kronx to buff your board was nearly impossible to cope with for most of the classes. The deck was Tier 1 at it's launch but then it lost it's charm among players.
Why should i play Galakrond Warlock in this meta?:
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire did a great job heartening the deck again with releasing possibly the best new Legendary in the set, namely: Tickatus . Statistically most played new legendaries from the newest expansion are Tickatus and Ysaahrj, The Defiler (Source: []). Other than this, Cascading Disaster is another great card (and one of the most played epics from the set) that strengthens decks position in the meta.
Especially after the Demon Hunter and Hunter nerfs, as you all can see the meta has slightly shifted into a more 'slow state'. This new state opened a way for Galakrond Warlock, since the deck now has a more breathing room.
In this meta, Galakrond Warlock is the perfect counter for Pure Paladins. Miracle and Galakrond Rogues. All types of Priests. C'thun Control Warriors and all the other C'thun decks. And very strong against these decks: Spell Druids. Totem Shamans. All types of Mages especially the Highlander Mage. Zoo Warlocks and Demon Control Warlocks. ETC Warriors. Libroom Paladins.
Strenghts of the deck:
Weaknesses of the deck:
The Deck:
### Galakrond Warlock
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 1x (0) Sacrificial Pact
# 2x (1) Plague of Flames
# 2x (1) Spirit Jailer
# 1x (2) Acidic Swamp Ooze
# 2x (2) Soul Shear
# 2x (3) Dark Skies
# 2x (3) Dragonblight Cultist
# 2x (3) School Spirits
# 2x (4) Cascading Disaster
# 2x (4) Devoted Maniac
# 2x (4) Veiled Worshipper
# 1x (5) Kobold Stickyfinger
# 2x (5) Shield of Galakrond
# 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof
# 1x (6) Tickatus
# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Wretched
# 1x (7) Siamat
# 1x (7) Soulciologist Malicia
# 1x (8) Twisting Nether
# 1x (10) Y'Shaarj, the Defiler
At first i wasn't using tech cards against Weapon based classes but when i changed some of the cards for teching against them, that way i reached legend. This list is similar to Vicious Syndicate's latest list. Instead of an Ironbeak Owl this deck has Twisting Nether to help with Corruptable cards and as a tool against wider boards where your usual removals fall short. And i always use one Kobold Stickyfinger and one Acidic Swamp Ooze for diversity. Sometimes 2 mana weapon removal could be great for your mana management instead of 2 of the 5 mana weapon removals.
Let me explain briefly some of the card choices and their importance:
The other cards are serving a mutual purpose so i called them 'Packages'. I will not explain them because their uses are quite clear. We have 3 main packages in this deck:
Importance of "Tickatus":
Obviously strongest aspect of the deck is Tickatus so you should always play for having an active Tickatus and should play the card as early as possible. These are the match ups where you should care less about having a Tickatus: Anything that is Aggro (DHs, Hunters, Zoolocks), Bomb Warriors. Other than these match ups "You Must Always Mulligan For Tickatus." This is very important because other than these match ups you will desperately need Tickatus and when you play the card you will always break something in your opponents strategy and that is going to make you win the game.
Especially in the current meta, Tickatus is your best bet against any matchup. If you managed to activate it in Aggro match ups, it will definitely help you too. But in aggro match ups your main focus must be surviving and winning the board. If there is an opportunity to play an active Tickatus in these match ups "Just drop the Tickatus". You are always going to be in a better position after playing Tickatus.
General Strategy:
This is a Control Deck where you have tons of options to control the board, have removals as much as Priests do. And better than Priests, you are able to create threatening boards out of nowhere with cards like: Galakrond, Soulciologist Malicia, Yshaarj + Tickatus (18/18) and Kronx.
The deck has three defining strategies that you should always build in some way throughout your match up:
And with these three aspects, your deck is great at drawing 'meaningful' cards because whatever you draw it will always have a synergy with other cards. The deck feels like a mini RPG game where you are improving your skill trees every turn; giving skill points to these 3 main strategies. Deck has tons of synergies and in this current meta drawing synergistic and effective cards is very important. With the start of any game you start building your strategies. Spirit Jailer on turn 1, then Hero Power on turn 2, then Dragonblight Cultist on turn 3 is a very good start where you kickstart your deck.
During your match ups, you should definitely try to buff your Galakrond when it is possible. Warlock Galakrond cards are very powerful with their 2 free imps. 4 mana 2/2 rush and 2 imps are great. 5 mana 4/5 taunt and 2 imps are great as well. You know that Rogues are very prevalent nowadays in ladder and as you all know Rogues hate wide boards and you are constantly developing wide boards with your Invoke cards. Rogues must deal with them at some point and that leaves them in an awkward situation where they focus on dealing with your board instead of doing their 'Rogue things' effectively.
A fully invoked Galakrond is a scary thing to deal with. Don't hesitate to drop it as soon as it is ready. Because Year of The Phoenix provided great Demons for your Galakrond Battlecry; you usually high roll with them. If they have a strong board, playing a fully invoked Galakrond can save you most of the time because you will get a Taunt or a Rush Demon and a 5/2 Weapon and 5 armor to help clearing them.
Other than Galakrond's sheer power, it serves another important aspect of the deck: You can corrupt your Cascading Disaster's and especially Tickatus with it and Galakrond is the best way to Corrupt those cards. Imagine this scenario: You dropped Galakrond on Turn 7, then played Tickatus on Turn 8. This is a huge power shift for your opponent. After this, you will be able to control the board (in other words your 'Face' is safe now) and Soul Fragments are going to heal you with every draw you make.
Talking about the draws; as you all know Warlocks are great at drawing thanks to their Hero Power. But other than this you have another great tool in your arsenal that draws you cards: Veiled Worshippers. I think this card is a better Free Admission because the card is OP with it's decent stats and with it's drawing potential. You are low on health and you have 8 Soul Fragments in your deck, you play Veiled Worshipper and it could definitely save you with some healing and with providing you necessary cards as well.
This is not the strongest match up of the deck for sure. Especially if they are Soul Demon Hunter, their quick burst could kill you. But a wisely played Tickatus can do wonders for you. This match up depends mostly on your luck and not favorable for you. Stealing their Lifesteal Weapon helps as well. Aggro Demon Hunter is manageable though. You have Dark Skies, School Spirits, Plague of Flames to control their aggression and your Invoke cards are an effective way to have a board presence. Sacrificial Pact is important on this one as well.
(I know you can't know their deck before game starts but, in case you know it somehow)
Soul DH: Tickatus, 'A Tickatus Activator', Spirit Jailer, Dragonblight Cultist, Kobold Stickyfinger, Acidic Swamp Ooze.
Aggro DH: Dark Skies, School Spirits, Plague of Flames, Dragonblight Cultist, Devoted Maniac, Sacrificial Pact.
This is a favorable match up for Galakrond Warlock. Druid will give you some time for developing your 3 main packages when he's doing his ramping. Try to get your Tickatus active as early as possible. Discarding 5 or 10 of their decks are killing the Druids since they are going Fatigue too fast. If they drop strong boards early it is no problem for you because until then you will already have your removals in your hand. Plague of Flames is so effective in this one. If they used double Cenarion Ward it takes 4 mana for you to destroy them (Cultist + Plague of Flames) or you can use your fully corrupted Cascading Disasters as well. If they are playing Clown Version, Twisting Nether becomes important. If you use your Cascading Disasters and Yshaarj wisely you can easily deal with Clown Druid as well. If you think that they are playing an OTK version, focus on activating your Tickatus immediately.
Mulligans: Tickatus, 'A Tickatus Activator', Dark Skies, Galakrond Package.
This match up is 'even' for us. Highlander Hunter is nerfed so there are not much of them on ladder. Playing Tickatus after they played their Lorekeeper Polkelt make them lose their most important cards so that will leave them in a bad position. They can perform good Tempo plays but our removals and tempo plays are very effective against them. Usually you are going to destroy their boards while having more than 5 cards in your hand and at this time they will have 2 or 3 cards. In other words, you can easily exhaust them with your godlike removals and decent Tempo. Healing is somewhat important in this one, try to fill your deck with Soul Fragments. Fragments and one copy of Sacrificial Pact can save you in this one.
Mulligans: Spirit Jailer, School Spirits, Soul Shear, Dragonblight Cultist, Devoted Maniac, Shield of Galakrond, Dark Skies, Sacrificial Pact.
This match up is highly favorable for us. Mages between D5-D1 are usually using Highlander Mage or C'thun Spell No Minion Mage and our deck exists for countering these C'thun Decks as i mentioned earlier. Have your Tickatus activated as early as possible. You are going to discard their C'thun Parts at some point and they will lose all of their win conditions as a result of this. Their weak board presence is not a problem for us. You can chill and develop your main packages. Watch out for their Amazing Reno play though. Develop a 'fake board' before playing your Galakrond to bait them into using their Reno. Not only C'thun Mage but Highlander Mage is helpless too against this deck. Games will take longer so you can easily discard their 10 cards with Tickatus and destroy their somewhat strong boards (like their boards after Power of Creation) with fully Corrupted Cascading Disasters or Plague of Flames.
Mulligans: Tickatus, Dark Skies, Galakrond Package, School Spirits.
Yet another highly favorable match up for Galakrond Warlock. Whatever the Paladins do, you will always have your answer in this one. They will spend their whole turns developing boards with buffed minions and you will destroy them easily. Proper use of Plague of Flames is key in this one. Do not let them have a minion left after your turn ends. If necessary you can use your Dark Skies on 2 to 3 health boards or you can use your Soul Shear to kill a 1/1 Paladin dude. Paladins are not able to cope with your cheap removals and using your Tickatus will get them into Fatigue quickly. Watch out for Libram of Justice plays to protect your courted boards. Just don't let them have a strong board because they can buff the board quickly. Libroom version is just a little bit harder but not much different than Pure Paladin.
Mulligans: Plague of Flames, Tickatus, Dragonblight Cultist, Devoted Maniac, Dark Skies, Soul Shear, Spirit Jailer.
This match up is highly favorable for Galakrond Warlock, even better than Paladin match up. They will do their usual Priest things like using Palm Reading/Nazmani combos but they will die at some point because as a Control Deck you don't give them toys to play and they lack the threats to force you into awkward situations. Mulliganing is extremely easy on this one. You have tons of time to develop your main packages. You should hard mulligan for Tickatus. Watch out for their Soul Mirror turn though. Always have an answer to Soul Mirror before committing to a wide board. Tickatus hurt them a lot by destroying their long-waited, valuable cards and they are not advantageous during late game anymore due to Fatigue. This match up is a free win.
Mulligans: Tickatus and Galakrond Package, rest of it doesn't really matter.
This match up is favorable for us. Nowadays Rogues are usually playing Miracle/Combo version and to a lesser extent Miracle/Secret Rogue and Galakrond Rogue. As i mentioned earlier Rogues are really fragile against our wide boards and Soulciologist Malicia and Galakrond plays are really putting them in a desperate position. Edwin is a funny card and very easy to deal with. School Spirits and Dark Skies are good cards to clean their low health minions. Secret Rogue is a little bit tougher though, playing around secrets can be hard sometimes. But quite manageable as well. They will discover cards and draw too many cards but everything they pose as a threat is quite manageable for us. And yet again, Tickatus destroys them when they have 5 or 6 cards in their deck. Watch out for Plagiarize since you don't want to give them your best cards. Mulligan for early removals for dealing with a possible early Edwin play. Developing boards with Invoke cards force them into dealing with your board instead of doing their 'Miracle' things.
Mulligans: Tickatus, School Spirits, Plague of Flames, Spirit Jailer, Cascading Disaster, Dragonblight Cultist, Devoted Maniac.
Shamans nowadays are usually playing Evolve Shaman and Evolve Shamans are not favorable for this deck. In this one, weapon removal cards are very important. Try to have a decent board presence until their Evolve turn and use you removals wisely (for example do not use your Dark Skies to a totem and a Lackey). Watch out for Lightning Bloom and a possible early weapon play. Surprisingly Tickatus can be effective in this one if they draw bad and you manage to destroy their key cards with it. But the main focus shouldn't be the Tickatus in this one. Instead you should try to survive their Evolve turns. Actually, you can deal with most of their boards with your removals but at some point they will overwhelm you with their third or fourth weapon play. Totem Shaman though is a lot more easier and slightly favorable. It resembles playing against a Zoo Warlock. Destroy their Totems and try to develop a board. Watch out for Bloodlust as well, School Spirits is a perfect Totem Shaman counter.
Mulligans: Acidic Swamp Ooze, Kobold Stickyfinger, Dark Skies, School Spirits, Dragonblight Cultist, Devoted Maniac, Spirit Jailer.
This match up totally depends on who's playing Tickatus first and who destroyed others Yshaarj first. Hard mulligan for Tickatus and a Tickatus Activator. Removals are not that important in this one. All you need is your Corrupt Package. You can use a Twisting Nether on an empty board or Soulciologist with 0 Soul Fragments in your deck in order to activate Ticky. Try to play your Tickatus on Turn 8 and cross your fingers to destroy their Tickatus or Ysaahrj. Another important thing is not losing your key cards to their Tickatus. Try to draw like a mad men with your Hero Powers and Veiled Worshippers because you can't lose your Tickatus, Yshaarj or Galakrond in this one. For this reason you can focus on invoking your Galakrond to draw your key cards. I believe our Galakrond variant is slightly unfavorable against Demon Control Lock but if you can manage to throw your Ticky that doesn't even matter. For Zoo, check what i said for Aggro Demon Hunter and Highlander Hunter.
Mulligans: Tickatus, Tickatus Activator, Yshaarj, Galakrond Package.
This one is kind of different. Let me start with the harder one. Bomb Warrior counters this deck hard. Their bombs are destroying our health since this deck is focused on drawing itself quickly. Their Boom Master turn is killing us even though we managed to use Twisting Nether. If they drew so bad and we managed to activate our Tickatus maybe we can have a chance but that happened hardly one or two times for me. Bombs are so hard to deal with because we have slow healing with Soul Fragments and those bombs are extremely 'Bursty'. For Control C'thun variant though, that is highly favorable. You use your Tickatus to destroy C'thun parts, that's all. Rattlegore is quite manageable as well considering the deck has tons of removals. ETC version is a little bit tricky too. You must destroy their combo parts to kill their win condition. If you managed to break their combo, it is easy to stay at safe health threshold. But 36 damage to face in one turn is quite deadly as well.
Mulligans: Tickatus, Spirit Jailer, Galakrond Package, A Tickatus Activator.

That is it. I highly recommend this deck to everyone. It is not a Tier 1 deck but if you are looking for something different and if you are fed up with Pure Paladins, Rogues and Priests this deck is exactly for you. Have a good day and thank you for your time and patience !!

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